As time goes on and if you notice the people that you thought were your supporters are more negative and not encouraging, then you need to make a decision.
Here are a few options that may help you address this matter:
- You can discuss your observation with them. Let them know that you need their support not their negative energy.
- You can start dealing with them at a distance - meaning that you only interact with them when needed.
- You can simply cut them off and stop dealing with them period.
This can be a tough thing, as some of the people that fall into this category maybe family members or close friends, but this maybe necessary.
I think the decision that you make depends on the level of "hateration" this person has displayed. I know that hateration maybe a harsh term for some, but you will be surprised the people (family or friends) that have a hard time accepting and/or dealing with what you have accomplished or are trying to accomplish.
Note: You must keep in mind that while you are working to complete a goal, to be your best, etc. - you do not need people in your circle that are discouraging or negative.
I was watching Yolanda Green's show Outlook Houston one Sunday and a well-known motivational speaker Jonathon Sprinkles noted something to the effect that, if you have people in your circle that are negative energy, not supportive, etc., - you need to Erase and Replace that person with someone who is on your team.
Good luck and keep your eyes on the prize.
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