The show tonight was very enlightening, as we had a good discussion about HIV/AIDs and how people are afraid to get tested and the lack of education that exists in the community. Ms. Nike Lukan, Vice President of Prevention Services AIDS Foundation of Houston did a great job sharing her experience in this area and how this disease is adversely impacting our community. She talked about how every 35 minutes a woman tests positive for HIV in the United States. She also noted that women of color are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS and AIDS is now the leading cause of death for Black women ages 25 to 34. We talked about the choices that women make and how they (women) continue to have sex with men, hoping that doing this will keep them around. We also discussed that people do not want to talk about HIV/AIDS, as many people are in fear and have chosen not to get tested because they do not want to know their status. This is a very hot topic and we could have talked about it for the full hour. Several questions went unanswered, as we did not get a chance to address them. I plan to have Ms. Nike on my show again so we can continue this dialogue.
Dr. Derek Wilson, President of the Houston Association of Black Psychologists and a Professor at Prairie View A&M University talked about the psychological aspect of health and how it, if not treated can have a negative impact on your health. We also talked about depression and how it can be considered a normal way of living if not treated. We also discussed some proactive things that can be done to assist you when you have some psychological challenges.
Tune in next week, as we will discuss what is takes to elevate your business to the next level.Keep your Eyes on the Prize and have a productive week.
Dr. Wendy
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