As we begin a New Year, it is always best to take a step back and reflect on what has occurred. This past year was remarkable, as women continued to take over the workforce, more fathers stayed home to take care of the kids and diversity was “talked” about around the country more than ever before. Interestingly enough organizations that felt they were not recognizing diversity believed that 2007 was the year to address this topic.
First, do you have a clear understanding of what your organizations definition of diversity is? Being that there are so many facets of diversity…again, I ask…do you know what your organizations definition of diversity is? Typically, when people hear the word diversity...they think of black and white. But, the word diversity has a much larger scope that what people think.The Merriam-Webster’s definition of diversity is: The condition of being diverse : VARIETY; especially: the inclusion of diverse people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization.
Being that we live in a multi-racial workforce, many organizations are in the process of ensuring that all employees are properly educated on the various aspects of diversity. They are also proclaiming to ensure that all aspects of management look like the front-line and middle management workers as well. As we all know, this is a good idea and it sounds great, but what is taking place in your organization to ensure that this happens.
Now, I do understand that it can take some time to obtain diversity. But, if you notice over time that no “real-changes” have taken place, then maybe you need to do some organizational re-assessing. This is something to think about from a career planning perspective. Yes, there are many organizations doing a great job ensuring all departments are diverse, but do you work for those organizations? And, does the organization that you currently work for have sincere intentions or do you feel that your organization is merely telling you what you want to hear just to appease you?If you are a minority employee, aspiring to advance in your career, what motivates you to stay?
Do you, as a minority employee feel that if you perform well and stay on-top of “your game” that you have a good chance of being promoted to the next level? If so, look around and assess how many minorities are in the position that you aspire to advance too. If that person does not exist, who do you (as a minority employee) talk to about getting to the next level? Yes, you can talk to anyone about your career journey, but, it is not the same. Have you ever asked yourself is this for real? Have you seen any changes? Is upper management going to “practice what they preach”or is this all a farce.
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