Let's Talk with Dr. Wendy (Real Issues...Real Talk) | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Let's Make a Deal - Entrepreneurship Special

We received a lot of questions about this topic. Alot of good informative information was shared with my listeners, as they were eager to hear what these men had to say.
I plan to host part 2 in the next few weeks, as we were not able to address half of the questions that were presented. Thank you for listening and supporting the show.
Tune in next week, as this is Women's History month and I plan to feature several successful women. We will discuss their journey and what they encountered along the way. Take care!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Let's Get Healty 2010 - Radio Show Review

Dr. Derek Wilson, President of the Houston Association of Black Psychologists and a Professor at Prairie View A&M University talked about the psychological aspect of health and how it, if not treated can have a negative impact on your health. We also talked about depression and how it can be considered a normal way of living if not treated. We also discussed some proactive things that can be done to assist you when you have some psychological challenges.
Tune in next week, as we will discuss what is takes to elevate your business to the next level.Keep your Eyes on the Prize and have a productive week.
Dr. Wendy
Friday, March 5, 2010
Dr. Wendy's Radio Show is Back!

Let's Get Healthy in 2010
Medical Assessments
- HIV/Aids is the leading cause of death among women between the ages of 15 and 44; unsafe sex is the biggest risk factor. The death rates of women in their reproductive years occurred in low-income (22.3 percent) and middle-income countries (15.4 percent).
- Breast cancer is colorblind; however mortality rates for minority women are higher than for Caucasian women.
- Psychological and emotional factors often interfere with healthy lifestyles. This tends to be more prevalent among the nation's ethnic/racial minorities.
- Let's talk facts and prevention -
Join me as I feature:
- Nike Lukan, Vice President of Prevention Services
AIDS Foundation of Houston
http://www.aidshelp.org/ - Karen Eubank Jackson, Founder/CEO
Sisters Network
http://www.sistersnetworkinc.org/ - Dr. Derek Wilson, President
Houston Association of Black Psychologists
Let's Talk With Dr. Wendy is on the Web at www.blogtalkradio.com/LetstalkwithDrWendy
If you have a question during the show, call 1-347-326-9755.
Thank you for the support!
Dr. Wendy
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Does your email address really matter?

This is a topic that I have discussed on numerous with groups of people (especially college students) and it is always interesting to hear their feedback.
I've received comments such as:
- My email address should not matter if I am qualified to do the job.
- If my resume was put in the do not call pile because of that reason, it was not meant for me to work there.
- My email address is not a reflection of who I am professionally.
The items noted above may sound reasonable to some, but in the real-world, these things matter. If you are looking for a job or exploring other professional opportunities, please ensure that you understand what I call the email factor.
I recommend that you do not put an unprofessional email address on your resume or any other professional documents, just to prove a point. I have seen email addresses such as sexylady@123.com, Canttouchthis@123.com and last but not least longleggz@123.com.
These email addresses are fine to use for your own personal use, but when using them, you must be mindful of your audience. Be smart and play the game. Create a separate email account for all professional opportunities, especially if you are looking for a job or looking to do business with someone. You may think that your email is not a reflection on you and what you represent, but it is.
Do not give a possible employer or a potential business partner, etc., any reason to put your resume in the do not call pile.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Shake the Haters Off

As time goes on and if you notice the people that you thought were your supporters are more negative and not encouraging, then you need to make a decision.
Here are a few options that may help you address this matter:
- You can discuss your observation with them. Let them know that you need their support not their negative energy.
- You can start dealing with them at a distance - meaning that you only interact with them when needed.
- You can simply cut them off and stop dealing with them period.
This can be a tough thing, as some of the people that fall into this category maybe family members or close friends, but this maybe necessary.
I think the decision that you make depends on the level of "hateration" this person has displayed. I know that hateration maybe a harsh term for some, but you will be surprised the people (family or friends) that have a hard time accepting and/or dealing with what you have accomplished or are trying to accomplish.
Note: You must keep in mind that while you are working to complete a goal, to be your best, etc. - you do not need people in your circle that are discouraging or negative.
I was watching Yolanda Green's show Outlook Houston one Sunday and a well-known motivational speaker Jonathon Sprinkles noted something to the effect that, if you have people in your circle that are negative energy, not supportive, etc., - you need to Erase and Replace that person with someone who is on your team.
Good luck and keep your eyes on the prize.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Financial Planning for 2008
Below are 9 tips that may help you improve your long-term financial planning:
- Spend less than what you make.
- Save more – Pay yourself first. Pull out 10% of your income before anything else is done. This 10% can include your 401(k) account, etc.
- Know your net worth. This number should increase each year.
- Ensure that you have money set aside for an emergency.
- Reduce your debt. Create a list of your creditors and categorize them by interest rate (highest to lowest). Pay them off in that order.
- Use credit cards wisely. If you decide to use them, ensure that you can pay the balance in full when the bill arrives.
- Ensure that you are properly insured. Life, home, health and auto, are only a few.
- Ensure that you have a will and/or an estate plan.
- Monitor and manage your portfolio. Ensure that you are working with a certified financial planner, so that your long-term financial goals are addressed.
This information can serve as a mechanism to get you back on financial track.
Source: PrimeWay Federal Credit UnionSunday, January 20, 2008
Set Achievable Goals

It is possible to do what you want, but to make it happen, you have to create a solid plan. This lets you see the positive fruits of your goal-setting labor. Having direction is a good way to start the year, but are you tired of creating goals that you forget after a few weeks?
Here are five tips to help you.
- Be willing to change –To reach any goal, you have to change something. This can range from your attitude, the way you talk or respond to people, and maybe even the way you dress. You have to accept the personal changes that will change your life to what you want it to be. Remember that you can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results. If you’re ready to make a change, you can do it.
- Create Realistic Goals – “Realistic” is what matters. These include old behaviors you are willing to change if you expect to reach stop doing something you know isn’t good for you. Don’t include the fluff things that just sound good. Now put that list where you will see it every day: on your computer, on the bathroom mirror, where you’ll see it as you leave your room or the house. This should keep these goals in your face and on your mind. In fact, you’ll be motivated to reach them so you don’t have to see that note any more!
- Find a Buddy – If your goal allows it, include someone who needs to make the same change. This can be the support system that you need to "Make it Happen".
- Track your Progress– If you make several resolutions, keep a record of your goals and successes. That way you can see your success—and where you need to improve.
- Stick with it– Don’t get discouraged and give up if things don’t move as quickly as you’d like them to. Change takes time and patience. You can reach almost every goal if you are willing to work at it. Stay positive and focused and ask for help if you need it.
- Old habits are hard to break, and when you do break them, you’ve done something important—both because you had been doing something that wasn’t good for you and because you’ve overcome an ingrained habit.
Good luck and have a successful new year achieving goals you have set and kept!